Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend Thoughts.

1) For most of my life, I've felt the need to hide myself from the world and everyone around me. I've been afraid to show my flaws. I viewed my brokenness as a weakness, as something to be ashamed of. But a friend recently showed me that is so far from the truth. My brokenness makes me who I am. The pain and struggles I've experienced have helped me grow and become who I am, and I shouldn't be ashamed of that. My depression and the way I deal with it doesn't have to define me, and I've let it for far too long. God has planned my life out this way and the best I can do is live it for him, proudly.

2) Every rare once in a while, someone will come into your life who challenges everything about who you are. They help you find yourself in ways you could never imagine... they somehow know you better than you know yourself. And all of a sudden, you find yourself realizing it doesn't matter what happens. It doesn't matter how often they mess up, hurt, or disappoint you... they're still worth it. People may tell you over and over again to walk away, but you know you couldn't even if you wanted to. Some people are just too important to ever let go of. It's one of the scariest things you will ever experience, but also one of the most fulfilling. Don't ever give up on that one person, or those people. Love them with all of your heart and forgive them when they wrong you, no questions asked. One day they may realize how much they need you as well, if they haven't already. Regardless, they are worth the wait.

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