Tuesday, March 27, 2012


What is it about this world that it seems like it can come crashing down on you at any second? We linger on the edge of the decisions we make, the changes that take place, and the consequences of our actions and those of the people around us. It can feel impossible, at times, to be a part of this place that we seem to have no control over.

I've spent the last two years getting to know an incredible person who has, undoubtedly, changed my life in more ways than I could ever imagine. Currently, my heart is breaking, not only for myself, but for him as well. Life is hard. And we all make choices that even we might not understand. But even the hard things have a purpose. They also can't take away from the countless beautiful memories or the parts of yourself that have been changed for the better by an experience, or in my case, a truly wonderful human being . It's all just a journey. The twists and turns, they make you who you are.

I have no doubt that everything happens for a reason. I know that God gives us these obstacles and struggles because they are part of His plan... something far greater than I could ever imagine. But I also know that God puts certain people in your life to help you along... to help shape who you are as a person... and to hold you when it seems as if it's all going wrong. He gives us people who love us unconditionally, people who know even the darkest parts of you and still tell you it will all be okay. People to love in return. And even when those worlds collide... when that one person is the same one you want to hide away from... there is a peace. For me, at least, there is a thankfulness that surrounds even the hardest of those days. That is something that can never be taken away. That is truly the joy of God's plan.